Software Engineer

I am a Software Engineer. I have a Bachelor (Honours) of Science in Information Technology from the University of Sunderland - Class of 2003. I have been developing software since 2001 when I was offered a role at CERN as part of their Technical Student Programme.

By 2016 I had grown really tired of the software industry and by the end of 2019 Apple killed whatever excitement I had left. I am not sure what the next 10 years will bring. What I do know is that my apettite to do work that is impactful has only grown bigger and stronger. Great people make me tick more than anything.

I am also tired.

The constructor ...Don't abuse the constructor

     * Don't abuse the constructor
    public class Person 
        private final String name;
        private final int age;
        public Person(String[] args) 
   = args[0];
            this.age = Integer.parseInt( args[1] );
        public Person(byte[] name, Calendar dob) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
   = new String(name, "UTF-8");
            this.age = Years.yearsBetween( new DateTime(Calendar.getInstance()), new DateTime(dob)).getYears();

         * How do you test that without getting in the constructor mess? 
        public boolean isOlderThan(int age){
        return this.howOldAreYou() > age;
        public int howOldAreYou(){
        return this.age;
        public String whatsYourName() {

     * It's a pain to test!
    public class PersonTest 
        public void newPersonOfArray() throws Exception 
            String name = "Markos";
            int age = 30;
            String[] args = {name, String.valueOf(age)};        
            Person person = new Person(args);
            Assert.assertEquals(age, person.howOldAreYou());
            Assert.assertEquals(name, person.whatsYourName());
        public void newPersonOfByteArrayAndCalendar() throws Exception 
            byte[] name = new byte[]{'I', 'n', 'f', 'a', 'n', 't'};     
            Calendar dob = Calendar.getInstance();
            Person person = new Person(name, dob);
            Assert.assertEquals(0, person.howOldAreYou());
            Assert.assertEquals("Infant", person.whatsYourName());              

     * Nice and clean
    public class Person 
        private final String name;
        private final int age;
        public Person(String name, int age)
   = name;
            this.age = age;     
        public boolean isOlderThan(int age){
        return this.howOldAreYou() > age;
        public int howOldAreYou(){
        return this.age;
        public String whatsYourName() {

    public class Persons 
        public static Person valueOf(String[] args)
            String name = args[0];
            int age = Integer.parseInt( args[1] );

        return new Person(name, age);

        public static Person valueOf(byte[] itsName, Calendar dob) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
            String name = new String(itsName, "UTF-8");
            int age = Years.yearsBetween( new DateTime(Calendar.getInstance()), new DateTime(dob)).getYears();
        return new Person(name, age);

     * Smooth and clean testing!
    public class PersonTest 
        public void howOldAreYou() throws Exception 
            Person person = new Person(null, 30);
            Assert.assertTrue( person.isOlderThan(29) );        
            Assert.assertFalse( person.isOlderThan(30) );       
            Assert.assertFalse( person.isOlderThan(31) );       

It’s a common misconception that since constructors are there to construct an object it’s only resonable to have related code also there. You should do well to keep your constructors for assignments and nothing more. Depending on the amount of “work” done in a constructor you’ll either end up wasting resources when you shouldn’t or deal with some nasty bugs while also making testing much harder.

In this example although a Person is defined by its name and age a String array is passed in instead. Indeed this might well be what you have (through a main method or an input field) and might think that saves you from having to convert it every time you want a Person but think again.

All you really need to construct a Person is a name (String) and an age (int). So even if you do have those, you still need to convert them to a String array only to have the constructor convert them back. That means knowing how the array is constructed, (name at index 0, age at index 1) which is an irrelevant and possible fragile invariant to have on the Person.

In the same manner you force unrelated dependencies (Calendar?) leading to high coupling, making your code harder to understand (how’s a byte array related to a Person?) and sacrificing constructor chaining. You also risk exposing that burden to any classes related to Person. Especially subclasses which don’t have a choice but to accept those constructors.

In most cases all you need is some factory methods that do the conversions for you. That way you’ve effectively seperated conversion and construction and kept your class clean. Depending on how complicated the conversion is you may realise you need a new class altogether, like a parser.

On stackoverlow there is a great answer in case things get really out of hand and you start throwing exceptions from the constructor.


Joel Spolsky and Jeff Atwood for their contributtion of StackOverflow.
Yoda Time for an excellent replacement to the abysmal date API.

PS. When creating a String from a byte array make sure you always specify the encoding!
