I want to evolve this website to something more than just a blog.
A website that is deeply personal yet it’s not about me.
A website that is about forming relationships, removing barriers, breaking taboos.
A website that raises awareness to issues that trouble me.
A website that recognises contributions made by others and elevates them.
A website that helps people make sense of their lives and deal with their struggles.
A website that brings your attention to people in need.
A website that is connected to other people through the vastness of the World Wide Web.
A website of what it means to be human.
I also want a website that can outlive me. That can be used for historical purposes, for people to look back and understand what life was like in the late 20th century, early 21st. A digital cave if you like. Full of footprints, drawings, sounds, videos.
For the past few days, I have started working towards making a website like this. It is still in its infancy but there is enough to share.